Pushing paint about for over sixty years

Jan Turner

Since an early age I have been in love with paint and painting. My work has been concerned with the language and process of painting in all its forms.

A Little About Me

I was born in Bermuda in 1957 moving to England in 1966.

After attending Wymondham College for seven years up to 1975 (where I was blessed with David Chedgey as an Art teacher).

I was accepted to do a foundation course in Art and Design at Great Yarmouth College of Arts and Technology where I was lucky enough to have Barry Drake, Nick Ward, Emrys Parry and Derek Mace as tutors.

After Yarmouth I went on to study Fine Art Painting at St Martins where I studied for 3 years and attained a first class Honours Degree in Fine Art Painting. Again I had the great good fortune to be taught by Gillian Ayers, John Hoyland, Henry Mundy, Michael Hiendorff, Jennifer Durrant, Anthony Whishaw, and Albert Herbert.

I was then accepted on the MA course of Fine Art Painting at the Royal College of Art where I studied for a further 3 years under the influence of John Golding and Alan Miller.

My contemporaries at Art College had an enormous effect on my work and my psychology and I would not have succeeded as an Artist without them.

Selected Exhibitions

New Contemporaries – ICA – 1977

Stowells Trophy – Royal Academy – 1978

Stowells Trophy – Royal Academy – 1979

Discerning Eye – Mall Galleries – 1991

Art in Mind – Brick Lane Gallery – 2009

Birley Center – Solo Exhibition - 2011

Bad Behaviour – Brixton East - 2016

Open – Devonshire Collective - 2018

The Holy Art - The Factory - 2020


I have been painting in the Himalayas for over forty years now. Mostly I work in watercolour whist trekking and use these sketches to inform my other work.


This is a recurring theme in my paintings and is based on the idea of the impending climate ctastrophe that is slowly but surely approaching the future of mankind.


Much of my work on India is old, dating back to the 1980s and 1990s. Often created in sketchbooks that I refer to in other more recent work.


This was a series of works based on the paintings of my influences whilst developing as an artist.

Role Models

These works were inspired by my work backstage in the West End theatres during the 1980s and 1990s and the shetchbooks I made at the time.


These works are about audience participation. The different aspects of the viewer and the viewed and the position of the artist in between.


Overall I see myself as a surrealist. The act of painting is a very surreal activity.


I made thses during the lockdown.


I have always taken photographs, either to inform my paintings or records in their own right. This is a selection from the many thousands I have taken over the years.

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